
87 – System Engineering with Jeremiah Crane pt. 1

System Engineer Jeremiah Crane, who has degrees from USC and Georgia Tech drops by to chat with David about Model Based System Engineering over some Whiskey Barrel Brew from Indian Wells. The title might sound kind of boring, but Jeremiah has lived a fascinating life and studied and interned at some very interesting places, like an electronics company in Japan. He and David have a great conversation about space travel, rockets, the universe, all of it. Grab your own Whiskey Barrel Brew and join in. A call to Steven Yates (@StevenEYates) kicks things off.

Music at the end from Motorama with Ghost.

68 – The Love of Space pt. 2 with Mat Kaplan

Recorded in the old vault of the Planetary Society, it’s part two of a great chat with Planetary Radio host Mat Kaplan. He and David share more Elysian Space Dust IPA and discuss Mat’s life, his love of space, Ray Bradbury, and what’s next in humanity’s quest to find out where it came from.

If you would like to become a member of the Planetary Society or gift a membership to a space enthusiast in your life, click on those links.

Music at the end by Elton John with Rocket Man.

60 – Educational Technology with Lyle Tavernier pt. 2

60-lyle-tavernierPart two of the chat with JPL Instructional Tech Specialist Lyle Tavernier (@lyletav) and his delicious home brewed IPA. This one gets further into Mars, the search for life, and figuring out whether we are alone.

Music at the end by Young Prisms with the song Runner.

59 – Educational Technology with Lyle Tavernier pt. 1

Instructional Tech Specialist Lyle Tavernier (@lyletav) from JPL brings his own homebrew to share with David and chat about space, science, education, technology, and exploring the universe. A chat with Amber (@amber914u) starts things off.

Music at the end from Sarah Ruth’s album Words on the Wind with the song Dust Bowl.

Episode 21 – Dan Pritchard Pt. 1

Dan Pritchard, who engineers the show, is the guest this week from Australia. Not only does he know a lot about comedy, he also raises and breeds guppies. We chat via skype about breeding Exotic Fish, comedy, life, and much more. Matthew Wielicki makes a return as we try to figure out how excited we should get for Planet Nine.

The music at the end is Final Voyage from Yojimbo Billions (@YojiBillions) from the album Our Bodies our Machines.