
149 – Durians with Lindsay Gasik

Lindsay Gasik (@durianwriter) leads an exceptionally fascinating life leading tours in Southeast Asia that take guests to find the king of all fruits – The Durian. Find out what a durian is, how she got into this unique world, and a little bit about Lindsay’s approach to having such an interesting life.

Music at the end from The Shelters with Gold.

106 – Animal Treatment with Paul Shapiro pt. 2

Paul-Shapiro-ChickenPaul Shapiro (@PaulHShapiro), the Vice President of Policy for the Humane Society of the United States, is back to continue a great chat about our current treatment of animals, the ethics involved, and the future of food, farming, and producing meat.

Music at the end from Don Williams with Lord I Hope This Day is Good.

105 – Animal Treatment with Paul Shapiro pt. 1

Paul Shapiro (@PaulHShapiro), the Vice President of Policy Engagement for the Humane Society of the United States, joins Dave via skype to chat about our current standards for animal wellness, advancements we can make, and the potential viability of clean meat in the future. A chat with Sinead Savage starts things off.

Music at the end by the late, great Don Williams with Good Ole Boys Like Me.