
131 – Small Mammals with Rachel Chock pt. 1

Rachel Chock (@rachelychock) is getting her PhD from UCLA, and she is focussing on small mammals. What’s it like to trap pocket mice at night in the middle of the desert? How much can we learn about such such creatures, and how can we protect them? Rachel and Dave share some Mojave Red from Indian Wells and discuss all of this.

Music at the end from Wild Nothing with Disappear Always.

92 – Ecology with Sheila Madrak and Corey Clatterbuck pt. 2

Part two of a great conversation about earth, the environment, the advancement of science, and sea birds with Sheila Madrak (@shishfish) and Corey Clatterbuck (@cocotross). The beer this time is Dawn Patrol from Great Basin Brewing courtesy of Vernon Heater.

Music at the end from Kimbro with Dreams featuring Chris Prythm.

55 – Environmental Engineering with Ella Gale pt. 1

Austin comedian and environmental engineer Ella Gale (@hellakale) is the guest. She joins David to share some Orange Wheat from Hangar 24 and chat about the planet, its health, and what can be done to alter it. A call to Grace (@AnonEMaus) starts it off.

The song at the end is Pretty is Fancy from the debut album It’s Not That Hard by Wam Dingis.